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Will ammonium persulfate spoil?

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-05-17      Origin: Site


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Ammonium persulfate is a commonly used chemical substance, widely used in various industrial and laboratory settings. It is usually crystalline and has a white or colorless appearance, and is an inorganic compound. Ammonium persulfate plays an important role in many fields, such as chemical production, water treatment, and laboratory research.

However, like many chemicammonium persulfate-3al substances, ammonium persulfate may also be affected by some factors, leading to changes in its properties. One potential issue is whether ammonium persulfate will spoil. Deterioration may be caused by prolonged storage, inappropriate environmental conditions, or reactions with other substances.

To delve deeper into whether ammonium persulfate will deteriorate, we need to consider its physicochemical properties and external influences. Under normal storage conditions, ammonium persulfate should be relatively stable, but if it is affected by moisture, high temperature, or other adverse conditions, it may deteriorate.

When using ammonium persulfate in the laboratory or industry, proper storage and usage methods are crucial to ensuring its stability. In addition, regularly checking the appearance, purity, and crystalline state of ammonium sulfate is also an effective way to prevent spoilage.

Overall, ammonium persulfate should be relatively stable under appropriate conditions, but to ensure that its properties do not change, we still need to pay attention to the details of storage and use. In practical applications, timely quality control and monitoring will help to avoid the problem of ammonium persulfate spoilage and ensure its effective application in various fields.

The basic properties of ammonium persulfate:

Chemical properties of ammonium persulfate:

Oxidative: Ammonium persulfate is a strong oxidizing agent that can release oxygen under appropriate conditions. This makes it used as an oxidant in some chemical reactions and laboratory operations, promoting oxidation reactions of other substances.

Easy to decompose: Ammonium persulfate can undergo decomposition reactions under certain conditions, producing ammonia gas and sulfuric acid. This decomposition reaction plays an important role in certain specific applications, such as water treatment and bleaching processes.

Catalytic properties: Ammonium persulfate can serve as a catalyst in some organic synthesis reactions. Its oxidative properties and impact on organic matter enable it to play a catalytic role in certain specific chemical synthesis processes.

Reactivity: Ammonium persulfate can participate in a series of chemical reactions, including oxidation reactions, decomposition reactions, and reactions with other compounds. This makes it widely applicable in various fields of chemistry and industrial applications.

The physical properties of ammonium persulfate:

The physical properties of ammonium persulfate include appearance, solubility, density, melting point, etc.

Appearance: Ammonium persulfate is a white or colorless crystalline substance, usually present in the form of particles or crystals.

Solubility: Ammonium persulfate has good solubility in water and can form a transparent solution. After dissolving in water, it releases ammonia and sulfuric acid.

Density: The density of ammonium persulfate is relatively high, generally 1.98 grams per cubic centimeter in solid state.

Melting point: Ammonium persulfate has a higher melting point, usually around 120 degrees Celsius. This is a relatively high temperature, indicating that it is solid at normal room temperature.

Application fields of ammonium persulfate:

Ammonium persulfate has a wide range of applications in chemical experiments and industrial production. The following are some of its main uses in these two fields:

Chemical experimental applications:

Oxidizing agent: Ammonium persulfate is often used as an oxidizing agent and participates in oxidation reactions in the laboratory. Due to its strong oxidizing properties, it can promote oxidation reactions of other substances and is an important reagent synthesized in some laboratories.

Organic synthesis: Ammonium persulfate can be used as a catalyst in organic chemical synthesis, participating in some organic synthesis reactions. It has a catalytic effect on specific organic reactions, helping to synthesize target molecules.

Analytical Chemistry: Ammonium persulfate can also be used in analytical chemistry, for example as a reagent for some quantitative analysis methods. Its reactivity enables it to play a certain role in analytical experiments.

Industrial production applications:

Water treatment agent: Ammonium persulfate is widely used in industrial water treatment processes, especially in environmental engineering. It can be used to remove organic pollutants from water, playing a role in bleaching and decolorization.

Rubber industry: Ammonium persulfate is used as a crosslinking agent for rubber in the rubber industry. It promotes cross-linking ammonium persulfate4between rubber molecules, enhancing the strength and wear resistance of rubber.

Pulp and paper production: Ammonium persulfate is used as a bleaching agent in the production process of pulp and paper. It can help remove pigments and other impurities from wood fibers, making the paper whiter.

Chemical reaction catalysis: Ammonium persulfate acts as a catalyst in some chemical production processes, promoting the progress of specific reactions.

The stability issue of ammonium persulfate:

Stability of chemical substances:

Ammonium persulfate may have stability issues under certain conditions, mainly related to its decomposition properties. Ammonium persulfate is a strong oxidizing agent with high oxidizing properties, so it may undergo decomposition reactions under inappropriate conditions, releasing oxygen and other reaction products. 

The following are some aspects related to the stability of ammonium persulfate:

Temperature effect: Ammonium persulfate is relatively unstable at high temperatures and is prone to decomposition reactions. High temperature conditions may promote its decomposition into products such as oxygen, sulfuric acid, and ammonia. Therefore, during storage and use, it is necessary to avoid exposure to excessively high temperature environments to prevent uncontrolled decomposition reactions.

Humidity impact: Ammonium persulfate is also sensitive to moisture, and humid conditions may accelerate its decomposition reaction. In humid environments, substances such as ammonia and sulfuric acid may be produced, so it is necessary to avoid moisture absorption during storage.

Light influence: Under light conditions, ammonium persulfate may also undergo decomposition. Therefore, when storing and using, it is necessary to avoid excessive light, especially ultraviolet light and sunlight.

Inappropriate storage conditions: If ammonium persulfate is exposed to inappropriate storage conditions, such as in unsealed containers, it may be affected by external air, moisture, and other substances, thereby affecting its stability.

The importance of storage conditions:

The stability of ammonium persulfate is closely related to storage conditions, and correct storage conditions are crucial for maintaining its stability.

Some key aspects of storage conditions:

Temperature control: Avoiding the influence of excessive temperature on ammonium persulfate is the key to ensuring its stability. Ammonium persulfate is prone to decomposition reactions at high temperatures, releasing products such as oxygen. Therefore, ammonium persulfate should be stored in a relatively low temperature environment, away from heat sources and high temperature areas.

Humidity management: Ammonium persulfate is sensitive to moisture, and humid conditions may lead to its decomposition reaction. Storage containers should be kept sealed to prevent moisture from entering. It is best to store it in a dry, well ventilated place and prevent exposure to damp environments.

Light avoidance: Ammonium persulfate may also undergo decomposition reactions under light conditions. Therefore, during storage and transportation, it is necessary to avoid excessive sunlight, especially ultraviolet light and sunlight. Appropriate shading measures can reduce the impact of light on it.

Sealing: The sealing of storage containers is crucial for preventing the entry of external air and moisture. A well sealed container helps maintain the stability of ammonium persulfate and reduces the risk of decomposition.

Avoid mixed storage: Avoid storing ammonium persulfate with incompatible substances. Mixed storage may lead to uncontrolled reactions and increase the risk of accidents.

Deterioration of ammonium persulfate:

The signs of ammonium persulfate deterioration:

Color change: Ammonium persulfate may cause color changes due to decomposition or reaction. Ammonium persulfate, which was originally colorless or white, may exhibit other colors if it deteriorates.

Odor change: Deteriorated ammonium persulfate may release different odors, which may be due to gases or volatile substances produced by decomposition reactions.

ammonium persulfate5

Crystal morphology change: Ammonium persulfate exists in crystalline form, and metamorphism may cause changes in the crystal morphology, such as changes in crystal size, shape, etc.

Changes in physical properties: Deteriorated ammonium persulfate may undergo significant changes in physical properties such as density and solubility.

Changes in metamorphism and their causes:

Temperature effect: Ammonium persulfate is prone to decomposition reactions at high temperatures, releasing products such as oxygen. High temperature environments may cause the deterioration of ammonium persulfate.

Moisture and humid conditions: Ammonium persulfate is sensitive to moisture, and humid conditions may promote its decomposition. It is necessary to prevent exposure to damp environments during storage and use.

Light induced spoilage: Ammonium persulfate may also undergo decomposition reactions under light conditions. Therefore, avoiding excessive light, especially ultraviolet and sunlight, helps maintain its stability.

Time factor: Long term storage may also lead to the deterioration of ammonium persulfate, especially under inappropriate storage conditions.

How to store ammonium persulfate correctly:

Temperature requirement: Ammonium persulfate should be stored at a relatively low temperature, preferably below 20 degrees Celsius. It should be avoided to place it in a location that is easily affected by heat sources and avoid high temperatures to reduce the risk of decomposition reactions.

Moisture proof: Ammonium persulfate is sensitive to moisture, and humid conditions may cause its decomposition. Storage containers should be kept sealed to prevent moisture from entering. It is best to store it in a dry and well ventilated environment, avoiding exposure to humid conditions.

The importance of sealing: Choose containers with good sealing, such as glass bottles or special plastic containers, to ensure that external air cannot enter. Containers with poor sealing may cause ammonium persulfate to be contaminated by the external environment, thereby affecting its stability.

Avoid mixing: Avoid mixing ammonium persulfate with incompatible substances to prevent uncontrolled reactions. Use labels and separate areas in the storage area to ensure a certain distance is maintained between different chemicals.

Light avoidance: Ammonium persulfate may also undergo decomposition reactions under light conditions. Therefore, during storage and transportation, it is necessary to avoid excessive sunlight, especially ultraviolet light and sunlight.

Safe storage area: The area where ammonium persulfate is stored should have corresponding safety facilities, such as explosion-proof equipment, emergency handling equipment, etc. Ensure that the storage area complies with relevant safety regulations and standards.

Safe use of ammonium persulfate:

Wear protective equipment: When handling ammonium persulfate, be sure to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including chemical goggles, protective gloves, and protective clothing. This helps to reduce the risk of skin contact and eye irritation.

Operate in well ventilated areas: Try to operate in well ventilated areas to ensure the elimination of harmful gases. When using chemicals, avoid working in enclosed spaces or operating in areas with appropriate ventilation systems.

Avoid mixing: Avoid mixing ammonium persulfate with incompatible substances to prevent uncontrolled reactions. Before mixing or using with other chemicals, it is important to fully understand their compatibility.

Handle with care: Handle with care to avoid falling, hitting, or other situations that may cause splashing or spillage. Ensure focus on work when handling chemicals and reduce the occurrence of accidents.

Timely handling of splashing incidents: If there has been a splashing incident of ammonium sulfate, immediate measures should be taken. If splashed onto the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water; If it splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with water and seek medical help.

Follow safety operating procedures: Strictly follow the safety operating procedures in the laboratory or workplace, including correct operating procedures, emergency handling procedures, and proper use of safety equipment.

Regular training: Conduct regular chemical safety training to understand the properties, risks, and correct response measures of ammonium persulfate, in order to enhance awareness of chemical safety.

Storage precautions: For the storage of ammonium persulfate, it should be placed in a dry and well ventilated place, away from heat sources and flammable substances. Storage containers should be well sealed to reduce the entry of moisture.

Compatibility of ammonium persulfate with other chemicals:

Avoid mixing chemicals:

Reducing agent: Avoid mixing with strong reducing agents, as ammonium persulfate itself is an oxidant and mixing with reducing agents may cause violent oxidation-reduction reactions, releasing a large amount of gas or heat.

Organic matter: The oxidizing properties of ammonium persulfate may lead to reactions with organic matter, forming flammable or explosive mixtures. It should be avoided to mix with flammable substances, organic solvents, etc.

Alkaline substances: Mixing with strong bases may lead to neutralization reactions and generate a large amount of heat. This may cause dangerous situations such as solution heating and gas release.

Metal powder: Avoid mixing with combustible metal powder (such as aluminum powder) as it may cause metal combustion or explosion.

Organic nitrogen compounds: Avoid mixing with organic nitrogen compounds (such as amine compounds) as they may produce toxic gases or unstable compounds.

Possible reactions:

Oxidation-reduction reaction: Ammonium persulfate is a strong oxidant, and mixing with reducing agents may cause intense oxidation-reduction reactions, releasing a large amount of heat and gas.

Neutralization reaction: Mixing with strong alkali may cause neutralization reaction, producing salt and water, accompanied by exothermic phenomenon.

Generating toxic gases: Mixing with specific organic or other incompatible substances may lead to the production of toxic gases, posing a threat to human health and the environment.

Exothermic reaction: Partial mixing may cause an exothermic reaction, leading to an increase in temperature and an increased risk of fire or explosion.

Solution to ammonium persulfate deterioration:

1. Environmental regulation:

Temperature control: Maintaining an appropriate temperature is crucial for the stability of ammonium persulfate. It should be avoided as much as possible to be exposed to excessively high temperatures, and the risk of decomposition reactions should be controlled by adjusting the temperature of the storage area.ammonium persulfate6

Humidity management: Ammonium persulfate is sensitive to moisture, and humid conditions may promote its decomposition. Keeping the storage environment dry helps reduce the impact of moisture on ammonium persulfate. In humid environments, dehumidification equipment can be considered.

Light control: Under light conditions, ammonium persulfate may also undergo decomposition. Therefore, excessive light, especially ultraviolet light and sunlight, should be avoided in the storage area. Lighting control can be achieved by storing in shading containers or storage areas.

2. Improve storage conditions:

Sealing and packaging: Choose a container with good sealing to ensure that the container is intact and undamaged, in order to reduce the entry of external air and moisture. Special packaging materials can provide better sealing and reduce the risk of spoilage.

Temperature monitoring: Install temperature monitoring equipment in the storage area to promptly detect and correct temperature anomalies, ensuring that ammonium persulfate is within an appropriate temperature range.

Storage area planning: Reasonably plan the storage area to ensure that ammonium persulfate is stored separately from incompatible substances, avoiding uncontrolled reactions caused by mixed storage.

Regular inspection and maintenance: Regularly inspect storage conditions to ensure the normal operation of environmental control equipment, replace damaged packaging materials in a timely manner, and maintain the integrity of storage facilities.


Overall, ammonium persulfate is a chemical with strong oxidizing properties, and its stability is influenced by various factors such as temperature, humidity, and light. When dealing with ammonium sulfate, we must be aware of its potential stability issues and the safety risks that these issues may bring.

Temperature is one of the important factors affecting the stability of ammonium persulfate, and a high-temperature environment may lead to its decomposition reaction, releasing gases and other products. Humidity also has an adverse effect on ammonium persulfate, and humid conditions may promote its decomposition, increasing its danger. In addition, ammonium persulfate may also decompose under light conditions, so it is necessary to avoid excessive light exposure, especially UV and sunlight.


Correct use: When operating ammonium persulfate, it is necessary to follow the correct experimental operating procedures and safety operating steps. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and operate with caution to avoid accidents.

Reasonable storage: Choose a container with good sealing, store in a relatively low temperature, dry, and well ventilated environment, away from heat sources and flammable substances. The planning and management of storage areas are also key to ensuring stability.

Regular inspection and maintenance: Regularly inspect storage conditions to ensure that factors such as temperature, humidity, and light are within appropriate ranges. Containers and equipment with good sealing need to be maintained to ensure they are intact and undamaged.

Prevent mixing: Avoid mixing ammonium persulfate with incompatible chemicals to reduce potential reactions.

By taking these measures, we can minimize the stability issues of ammonium persulfate and ensure its safe use in laboratory, industrial production, and other applications. Proper use and storage are fundamental prerequisites for ensuring the stability of chemicals and personnel safety, and must be given sufficient attention.

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